Théorie et Évaluation des Politiques Publiques

Working Papers

Working Papers 2025

25-4. Improving employability for the least qualified unemployed. Lessons from a new French training program
Héloïse Burlat, Fabrice Gilles, Yannick L'Horty

25-3. Production regulation principles and tax reforms
Laurence Jacquet, Etienne Lehmann

25-2. Monetary policy transmission and household indebtedness in Australia
Khuderchuluun Batsukh, Nicolas Groshenny, Naveed Javed

25-1. Payroll tax reductions on low wages and minimum wage in France
Julien Albertini, Arthur Poirier, Anthony Terriau

Working Papers 2024

24-9. Training and job-to-job mobility with transfer fees
Arnaud Chéron, Anthony Terriau

24-8. Corporate taxation and firm heterogeneity
Julien Albertini, Xavier Fairise, Anthony Terriau

24-7. Effects of a business support program on firm performances in France
Fabrice Gilles, Yannick L'Horty, Ferhat Mihoubi

24-6. Increased fine for repeat offenders and conglomerate dynamics
Armel Jacques

24-5. The valuation of energy efficiency labels in the French housing market
Sylvain Chareyron

24-4. A comprehensive analysis of production efficiency : a tax reform perspective
Laurence Jacquet, Etienne Lehmann

24-3. How to measure energy poverty in warm and cold climate territories? A multidimensional approach
Manitra Rakotomena, Olivia Ricci

24-2. Innovating for the good or for the bad. An EU-wide analysis of the impact of technological transformation on job polarisation and unemployment
Ylenia Curci, Nathalie Greenan, Silvia Napolitano

24-1. Is training helpful inboosting the self-confidence and professionnal integration of young people not in employment, education or training? Results from a randomisez experiment
Nicolas Moreau, Alexis Parmentier, Mylene Lebon-Eyquem

Working Papers 2023

23-8. Dornbusch's overshooting and the systematic component of monetary policy in SOE-SVAR
Nicolas Groshenny, Naveed Javed

23-7. Is participatory democracy in line with social protest? Evidence from French yellow vests movement
Benjamin Monnery, François-Charles Wolff

23-6. On-the-job search, life-cycle traing and the role of transfer fees
Arnaud Cheron, Anthony Terriau

23-5. Estimating the laffer tax rate on capital income : cross-base responses matter!
Marie-Noëlle Lefebvre, Etienne Lehmann, Michaël Sicsic

23-4. The trickle-down theory: a reality in French sports?
Florian Moussi-Beylie

23-3. Robotization and unbalanced changes in high-skill employment
Lucas Parmentier

23-2. Knowledge transmission in the second part of careers: does formal training matter?
Pierre-Jean Messe, Nathalie Greenan

23-1. Phantom cycles
Arnaud Chéron, Bruno Decreuse

Working Papers 2022

22-21. Utility services poverty : addressing the problem of household deprivation in Mayotte 
Dorothée Charlier, Bérangère Legendre, Olivia Ricci

22-20. The effects of disability benefits on the employment of low-skilled youth : evidence from France
Sylvain Chareyron, Naomie Mahmoudi

22-19. Does gender equality bargaining reduce child penality? Evidence from France
Pierre-Jean Messe, Jérémy Tanguy

22-18. The effect of pro diversity actions on discrimination in the recruitment of large companies : a field experiment
Laetitia Challe, Sylvain Chareyron, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit

22-17. Impacts of quota policy and employer obligation to adapt workstations on discrimination against people with disabilities : lesson from an experiment
Sylvain Chareyron, Yannick L'Horty, Philomene Mbaye, Pascale Petit

22-16. Are real merchandise imports per capita a good predictor for the standard of living for the small island world : testing for the imports-led growth and the growth-led imports hypotheses in panels over the period 1970-2019
Jean-François Hoarau, Nicolas Lucic

22-15. Extracting the discrimination components from the callback rates
Emmanuel Duguet, Loïc Du Parquet, Pascale Petit

22-14. Strategic debt in a mixed duopoly: the limited liability effect
Armel Jacques

22-13. Short-time work policies during the COVID-19 pandemic 
Julien Albertini, Xavier Fairise, Arthur Poirier, Anthony Terriau

22-12. Immigration and labour market flows 
Andri Chassamboulli, Idriss Fontaine, Ismael Glavez-Iniesta

22-11. Short-term impact of tropical cyclones in Madagascar : evidence from nightlight data
Idriss Fontaine, Sabine Garabedian, Maël Jammes

22-10. The current and future costs of tropical cyclones : a case study of La Réunion
Idriss Fontaine, Sabine Garabedian, Hélène Verennes

22-9. Wealth and income responses to dividend taxation : Evidence from France
Marie-Noëlle Lefebvre, Eddy Zanoutene

22-8. Soccer labour market equilibrium and efficient training of talents
Marnix Amand, Arnaud Chéron, Florian Pelgrin, Anthony Terriau

22-7. Using short-term jobs as a way to fin a regular job. What kind of role for local context?
Fabrice Gilles, Sabina Issehnane, Florent Sari

22-6. Gender and age diversity. Does it matter for firms' productivity?
Laetitia Challe, Fabrice Gilles, Yannick L'Horty, Ferhat Mihoubi

22-5. How wages respond to the job-finding and job-to-job transition rates? Evidence from New Zealand administrative data
Christopher Ball, Nicolas Groshenny, Özer Karagedikli, Murat Özbilgind, Finn Robinsona

22-4. Endogenous timing of technological choices of flexibility in a mixed duopoly
Armel Jacques

22-3. Reducing ethnic discrimination  through formal warning : evidence from two combined field experiments
Sylvain Chareyron, Yannick L'Horty, Souleymane Mbaye, Pascale Petit 

22-2. Cream skimming and discrimination in access to medical care: a field experiment
Sylvain Chareyron, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit

22-1. Optimal taxation with multiple incomes and types 
Kevin Spiritus, Etienne Lehmann, Sander Renes, Floris T. Zoutman

Working Papers 2021

21-11. Intermittent collusive agreements : antitrust policy and business cycles
Emilie Dargaud, Armel Jacques

21-10. Endogenous breadth of collusive agreements : an application to flexible technological choices
Armel Jacques

21-9. How to tax different incomes?
Laurence Jacquet, Etienne Lehmann

21-8. Optimal capital taxation under stochastic returns to savings
Eddy Zanoutene

21-7. Does the gender mix influence collective bargaining on gender equality? Evidence from France
Anne-Sophie Bruno, Nathalie Greenan, Jérémy Tanguy

21-6. The effect of the non-financial component of business accelerators
Fabrice Gilles, Yannick L'Horty, Ferhat Mihoubi

21-5. Organisationnal changes and long term sickness absence and injury leave
Mohamed Ali Ben Halima, Nathalie Greenan, Joseph Lanfranchi

21-4. The unexplored discriminations towards youth : equal access to goods and services
David Gray, Yannick L'Horty, Souleymane Mbaye, Pascale Petit

21-3. The zero effect of income tax on the timing of birth: some evidence on French data
Nicolas Moreau

21-2. Tropical cyclones and fertility : new evidence from developing countries
Idriss Fontaine, Sabine Garabedian, Hélène Vérèmes

21-1. On the heterogeneous impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown on US unemployment
Malak Kandoussi, François Langot

Working Papers 2020

20-8. COVID-19 mortality and health expenditures across European countries : The positive correlation puzzle
Serge Blondel, Radu Vranceanu

20-7. Measuring discrimination in the labour market 
Emmanuel Duguet

20-6. The effects of age on educational performances at the end of primary school : cross-sectional and regression discontinuity approach applications from Reunion Island
Daniel Rakotomalala

20-5. Slowdown antitrust investigations by decentralization
Emilie Dargaud, Armel Jacques

20-4. Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID19? A preliminary cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands
Jean-François Hoarau

20-3. Does Labor Income React more to Income Tax or Means Tested Benefit Reforms? 
Michaël Sicsic 

20-2. Optimal sickness benefits in a principal-agent model
Sébastien Ménard 

20-1. The specific role of agriculture for economic vulnerability of small island spaces 
Stéphane Blancard, Maximin Bonnet, Jean-François Hoarau

Working Papers 2019

19-8. The impact of benefit sanctions on equilibrium wage dispersion and job vacancies
Sebastien Menard

19-7. Employment fluctuations job polarization and non-standard work: Evidence from France and the US
Olivier Charlot, Idriss Fontaine, Thepthida Sopraseuth

19-6.  Counterproductive hiring discrimination against women: Evidence from French correspondance test
Emmanuel Duguet, Loïc du Parquet, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit

19-5. Inefficient couples: Non minimization of the tax burden among French cohabiting couples
Olivier Bargain, Damien Echevin, Nicolas Moreau, Adrien Pacifico

19-4. Seeking for tipping point in the housing market: evidence from a field experiment
Sylvain Chareyron, Samuel Gorohouna, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit, Catherine Ris

19-3. Testing for redlining in the labor market
Yannick L'Horty, Mathieu Bunel, Pascale Petit

19-2. Labour market flows: Accounting for the public sector
Idriss Fontaine, Ismael Galvez-Iniesta, Pedro Gomes, Diego Vila-Martin

19-1. The interaction between labour force participation of older men and their wife: lessons from France
Idriss Fontaine

Working Papers 2018

18-15. Be healthy, be employed: a comparison between the US and France based on a general equilibrium model
Xavier Fairise, François Langot, Ze Zhong Shang

18-14. Immigrants' wage performance in the routine biased technological change era: France 1994-2012
Catherine Laffineur, Eva Moreno-Galbis, Jeremy Tanguy, Ahmed Tritah

18-13. Welfare cost of fluctuations when labor market search interacts with financial frictions
Elini Iliopulos, François Langot, Thepthida Sopraseuth

18-12. Accounting for labor gaps
François Langot, Alessandra Pizzo

18-11. Unemployment fluctuations over the life cycle
Jean-Olivier Hairault, François Langot, Thepthida Sopraseuth

18-10. Layoffs, Recalls and Experience Rating
Julien Albertini, Xavier Fairise

18-9. Enviromental policy and health in the presence of labor market imperfections
Xavier Pautrel

18-8. Identity mistakes and the standard of proof
Marie Obidzinski, Yves Oytana 

18-7. Presumtion of innonce and deterrence
Marie Obidzinski, Yves Oytana 

18-6. Ethnic discrimination in Rental Housing Market. An experiment in New Caledonia
Mathieu Bunel, Samuel Gorohouna, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit, Catherine Ris

18-5. Evaluationg the impact of firm tax credits. Results from the French natural experiment CICE
Fabrice Gilles, Yannick L'Horty, Ferhat Mihoubi, Xi Yang

18-4. Impact of type 2 diabetes on health expenditure: an estimation based on individual administrative data
François-Olivier Baudot, Anne-Sophie Aguadé, Thomas Barnay, Christelle Gastaldi-Ménager, Anne Fargot-Campagna

18-3. How does market history influence the access to hiring interviews?
Emmanuel Duguet, Rémi Le Gall, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit

18-2. Occupational mobility and vocational training over the life cycle
Anthony Terriau

18-1. Retired, at last? The short-term impact of retirement on health status in France
Thomas Barnay, Eric Defebvre

Working Papers 2017

17-11. Hiring discrimination against women: distinguishing taste based discrimination from statistical discrimination
Emmanuel Duguet & Loïc du Parquet & Pascale Petit

17-10. Pension reforms, older workers' employment and the role of job separation and finding rates in France
Sarah Le Duigou & Pierre-Jean Messe

17-9. Healthier when retiring earlier? Evidence from France
Pierre-Jean Messe & François-Charles Wolff

17-8. Revisiting Hopenhayn and Nicolini 's optimal unemployment insurance with job search monitoring and sanctions 
Sébastien Menard, Solenne Tanguy

17-7. Ethnic Gaps in Educational Attainment and Labor-Market Outcomes: Evidence from France 
Gabin Langevin, David Masclet, Fabien Moizeau, Emmanuel Peterle

17-6. Identifying preferences based discrimination in rental market : a field experiment in Paris
Mathieu Bunel, Yannick L’Horty, Loïc du Parquet, Pascale Petit

17-5. Chosen or Imposed? The location strategies of households
Emilie Arnoult, Florent Sari

17-4. Optimal income taxation with composition effects
Laurence Jacquet, Etienne Lehmann

17-3. Labor Market Effects of Urban Riots: an experimental assessment
Emmanuel Duguet, David Gray, Yannick L'Horty, Loic du Parquet, Pascale Petit 

17-2. Does praticing literacy skills improve academic performance in first-year university students? Results from a randomized experiment 
Estelle Bellity, Fabrice Gilles, Yannick L'Horty 

17-1. Raising the take-up of social assistance benefits through a simple mailing: evidence from a French field experiment
Sylvain Chareyron, David Gray, Yannick L'Horty

Working Papers 2016

16-8. Endogenous wage rigidities, human capital accumulation and growth
Ahmed Tritah

16-7. Harder, better, faster...yet stronger? Working conditions and self-declaration of chronic diseases
Eric Defebvre

16-6. The influence of mental health on job retention
Thomas Barnay, Eric Defebvre

16-5. The effects of breast cancer on individual labour market outcomes: an evaluation from an administrative panel
Thomas Barnay, Mohamed Ali Ben Halima, Emmanuel Duguet, Christine Le Clainche, Camille Regaert

16-4. Expectations, Loss Aversion, and Retirement Decisions in the Context of the 2009 Crisis in Europe
Nicolas Sirven, Thomas Barnay

16-3.  How do product and labor market regulations affect aggregate employment, inequalities and job polarization? A general equilibrium approach
Julien Albertini, Jean-Olivier Hairault, François Langot, Thepthida Sopraseuth

16-2. Access to employment with age and gender: results of a controlled experiment
Laetitia Challe, Florent Fremigacci, François Langot, Yannick L'Horty, Loïc Du Parquet, Pascale Petit 

16-1. An evaluation of the 1987 French Disabled Workers Act: Better paying than hiring
Thomas Barnay, Emmanuel Duguet, Christine Le Clainche, Yann Videau

Working Papers 2015

15-10. Optimal Income Taxation with Unemployment and Wage Responses: A Sufficient Statistics Approach

Kory Kroft, Kavan Kucko, Etienne Lehmann, Johannes Schmieder
15-9. Search frictions and (in)efficient vocational training over the life-cycle
Arnaud Chéron, Anthony Terriau 
15-8. Absenteeism and productivity: the experience rating applied to employer contributions to health insurance 
Sébastien Ménard, Coralia Quintero Rojas 
15-7. Take up of social assistance benefits: the case of homeless
Sylvain Chareyron
15-6. Spatial mismatch through local public employment agencies. Answers from a French quasi-experiment
Mathieu Bunel, Elisabeth Tovar
15-5. Transmission of vocational skills at the end of career: horizon effect and technological or organisational change
Nathalie Greenan, Pierre-Jean Messe
15-4. Protecting biodiversity by developing bio-jobs: A multi-branch analysis with an application on French data
Jean De Beir, Céline Emond, Yannick L'Horty, Laetitia Tuffery
15-3. Profit-Sharing and Wages: An Empirical Analysis Using French Data Between 2000 and 2007
Noélie Delahaie, Richard Duhautois
15-2. A meta-regression analysis on intergenerational transmission of education: publication bias and genuine empirical effect
Nicolas Fleury, Fabrice Gilles
15-1. Why are there so many long-term unemployed in Paris?
Yannick L'Horty, Florent Sari

Working Papers 2014

14-17. The impact of a disability on labour market status: A comparison of the public and private sectors
Thomas Barnay, Emmanuel Duguet, Christine Le Clainche, Mathieu Narcy, Yann Videau
14-16. Employer-provided health insurance and equilibrium wages with two-sided heterogeneity
Arnaud Chéron, Pierre-Jean Messe, Jérôme Ronchetti
14-15. Does improving geographic mobility of young people promote their social inclusion? Evidence from a controlled experiment in France
Julie Le Gallo, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit
14-14. Hiring discrimination based on national origin and the competition between employed and unemployed job seekers
Guillaume Pierné
14-13. Discrimination in Hiring: The curse of motorcycle women
Loïc Du Parquet, Emmanuel Duguet, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit
14-12. Residential discrimination and the ethnic origin: An experimental assessment in the Paris suburbs
Emmanuel Duguet, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit
14-11. Discrimination based on place of residence and access to employment
Mathieu Bunel, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit 
14-10. Rural Electrification and Household Labor Supply: Evidence from Nigeria
Claire Salmon, Jeremy Tanguy 
14-9. Effects of immigration in frictional labor markets: theory and empirical evidence from EU countries
Eva Moreno-Galbis, Ahmed Tritah 
14-8. Health, Work and Working Conditions: A Review of the European Economic Literature
Thomas Barnay 
14-7. Labour mobility and the informal sector in Algeria: a cross-sectional comparison (2007-2012)
Philippe Adair, Youghourta Bellache 
14-6. Does care to dependent elderly people living at home increase their mental health?
Thomas Barnay, Sandrine Juin 
14-5. The Effect of Non-Work Related Health Events on Career Outcomes: An Evaluation in the French Labor Market
Emmanuel Duguet, Christine le Clainche 
14-4. Retirement intentions in the presence of technological change: Theory and evidence from France
Pierre-Jean Messe, Eva Moreno - Galbis, Francois-Charles Wolff 
14-3. Why is Old Workers’ Labor Market more Volatile? Unemployment Fluctuations over the Life-Cycle
Jean-Olivier Hairault, François Langot, Thepthida Sopraseuth 
14-2. Participation, Recruitment Selection, and the Minimum Wage
Frédéric Gavrel 
14-1. Disparities in taking sick leave between sectors of activity in France: a longitudinal analysis of administrative data
Thomas Barnay, Sandrine Juin, Renaud Legal

Working Papers 2013

13-9. An evaluation of the impact of industrial restructuring on individual human capital accumulation in France (1956-1993)
Nicolas Fleury, Fabrice Gilles
13-8. On the value of partial commitment for cooperative investment in buyer-supplier relationship
José de Sousa, Xavier Fairise 
13-7. Search frictions, real wage rigidities and the optimal design of unemployment insurance
Julien Albertini, Xavier Fairise 
13-6. Tax me if you can! Optimal non linear income tax between competing governments
Etienne Lehmann, Laurent Simula, Alain Trannoy 
13-5. Beyond the labour income tax wedge: The unemployment-reducing effect of tax progressivity
Etienne Lehmann, Claudio Lucifora, Simone Moriconi, Bruno Van Der Linden 
13-4. Discrimination based on place of residence and access to employment
Mathieu Bunel, Emilia Ene Jones, Yannick L'Horty, Pascale Petit 
13-3. The determinants of job access channels: evidence from the youth labor market in France
Jihan Ghrairi 
13-2. Capital mobility, search unemployment and labor market policies: The case of minimum wages
Frédéric Gavrel 
13-1. Effort and monetary incentives in Nonprofit and For-Profit Organizations
Joseph Lanfranchi, Mathieu Narcy

Working Papers 2012

12-18. Ageing, changes and quality of working life 
Nathalie Greenan, Mathieu Narcy, Serge Volkoff 
12-17. Labor Income Responds Differently to Income-Tax and Payroll-Tax Reforms 
Etienne Lehmann, François Marical, Laurence Rioux 
12-16. New Evidence of Ethnic and Gender discriminations in the French Labor Market using experimental data: A ranking extension of correspondence testings 
Emmanuel Duguet, Loïc Du Parquet, Yannick L’Horty, Pascale Petit 
12-15. The Economics of Performance Appraisals 
Marc-Arthur Diaye, Nathalie Greenan 
12-14. Effect of Age on the Wage Distribution: A Quantitative Evaluation Using US Data 
Sarah Le Duigou 
12-13. Simultaneous causality between health status and employment status within the population aged 30-59 in France 
Thomas Barnay, François Legendre 
12-12.The Effects of Reduced Social Security Contributions on Employment: an Evaluation of the 2003 French Reform 
Matthieu Bunel, Yannick L'Horty 
12-11. Has the Quality of Work Improved in the EU-15 between 1995 and 2005 ? 
Nathalie Greenan, Ekaterina Kalugina, Emmanuelle Walkowiak 
12-10. Dynamically consistent CEU preferences 
André Lapied, Pascal Toquebeuf 
12-9. A note on "Re-examining the law of iterated expectations for Choquet decision makers" 
André Lapied, Pascal Toquebeuf 
12-8. Job Polarization in Aging Economies 
Eva Moreno - Galbis, Thepthida Sopraseuth 
12-7. Optimal Unemployment Insurance for Older Workers 
Jean-Olivier Hairault, François Langot, Sébastien Ménard, Thepthida Sopraseuth 
12-6. Entry mode choice and target firm selection : private and collective incentive analysis 
Kai Zhao 
12-5. Advantageous Semi-Collusion Revisited : A Note 
Kai Zhao 
12-4. Stricter employment protection and firms’ incentives to train : The case of French older workers 
Pierre-Jean Messe, Bénédicte Rouland 
12-3. Hedonic model of segmentation with horizontal differentiated housing 
Masha Maslianskaia-Pautrel 
12-2. How to account for changes in the size of Sports Leagues : The Iso Competitive Balance Curves 
Jean-Pascal Gayant, Nicolas Le Pape 
12-1. What drives Health Care Expenditure in France since 1950? A time-series study with structural breaks and nonlinearity approaches 
Thomas Barnay, Olivier Damette

Working Papers 2011

11-10. Routinization-Biased Technical Change, Globalization and Labor Market Polarization : Does Theory Fit the Facts?
Jaewon Jung, Jean Mercenier
11-9. What is the natural Weight of the Current Old?
Damien Gaumont, Daniel Leonard
11-8. Productivity, Capital and Labor in Labor-Managed and Convention Firms
Fathi Fakhfakh, Virginie Perotin, Monica Gago
11-7. Fiscal Shocks in a Two Sector Open Economy
Olivier Cardi, Romain Restout
11-6. How important is innovation? A Bayesian factor-augmented productivity model on panel data
Georges Besson, Jean-Michel Etienne, Pierre Mohnen
11-5. The Fateful Triangle : Complementarities between product, process and organisational innovation in the UK and France
Gérard Ballot, Fathi Fakhfakh, Fabrice Galia, Ammon Salter
11-4. Residential Discrimination and Ethnic Origin: An experimental assessment in the Paris suburbs
Emmanuel Duguet, Yannick L’Horty, Pascale Petit
11-3. Why is there a faster return to work near the border?
Jonathan Bougard
11-2. The effect of place of residence on access to employment: a field experiment on qualified young job applicants in Ile-de-France
Yannick L’Horty, Emmanuel Duguet, Loïc du Parquet, Pascale Petit, Florent Sari
11-1. The French "Earned Income Supplement" (RSA) and back-to-work incentives
Denis Anne, Yannick L’Horty

Working Papers 2010

10-21. Employment Protection Legislation and Adverse Selection at the Labor Market Entry
Anne Bucher, Sébastien Ménard
10-20. Endogenous Job Destructions and the Distribution of Wages
Arnaud Chéron, Bénédicte Rouland
10-19. Bankruptcy Risk, Product Market Competition and Horizontal Mergers
Bernard Franck, Nicolas Le Pape
10-18. Cost-saving or Cost-enhancing Mergers: the Impact of the Distribution of Roles in Oligopoly
Nicolas Le Pape, Kai Zhao
10-17. Fostering the potential endogenous development of European regions: a spatial dynamic panel data analysis of the Cohesion Policy on regional convergence over the period 1980-2005
Salima Bouayad-Agha, Nadine Turpin, Lionel Védrine
10-16. The dynamics of youth labor market integration
Anne Bucher
10-15. On the impact of the TFP growth on the employment rate: does training on-the-job matter?
Eva Moreno-Galbis
10-14. Young-in Old-out: a new evaluation
Michela Bia, Pierre-Jean Messe, Roberto Leombruni
10-13. Hiring Practices, Employment Protection and Temporary Jobs
Anne Bucher
10-12. Pre Entry Motives into Entrepreneurship and Post Entry Entrepreneurial Orientation
Jean Bonnet, Nicolas Le Pape
10-11. Taxation of early retirement windows and delaying retirement: the French experience
Pierre-Jean Messe
10-10. Returns to firm-provided training in France: Evidence on mobility and wages
Arnaud Chéron, Bénédicte Rouland, François-Charles Wolff
10-9. Entrepreneurial motives and performance: Why might better educated entrepreneurs be less successful?
Arnab Bhattacharjee, Jean Bonnet, Nicolas Le Pape, Régis Renault
10-8. Ageing, chronic conditions and the evolution of future drugs expenditures
Thomas Barnay, Sophie Thiébaut, Bruno Ventelou
10-7. Health and Early Retirement: Evidence from French Data for individuals
Thomas Barnay, Karine Briard
10-6. What are Entrepreneurs’ Objectives When Starting a New Business?
Lionel Désiage
10-5. The effect of social security payroll tax reductions on employment and wages: an evaluation of the 2003 French reform
Matthieu Bunel, Fabrice Gilles, Yannick L’Horty
10-4. Do Public Subsidies Have an Impact on New Firm Survival? An Empirical Study with French Data
Lionel Désiage, Richard Duhautois, Dominique Redor
10-3. Housing ownership, social housing and unemployment: an econometric analysis of the Paris area
Emmanuel Duguet, Yannick L’Horty, Florent Sari
10-2. Working hours and Work-Life Balance Satisfaction in Couple
Nathalie Georges, Dominique Méda, Danièle Trancart
10-1. Are young French jobseekers of ethnic immigrant origin discriminated against? A controlled experiment in the Paris area
Emmanuel Duguet, Noam Leandri, Yannick L’Horty, Pascale Petit